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Multi-Site Church Energy Efficiency Checklist

Multi-Site Church Energy Efficiency Checklist

The multisite model means churches are dealing with varying building types across all campuses, each with pluses and minuses when it comes to energy consumption and power bills. The EPA’s Energy Star program developed the following checklist to help building owners (church leaders among them) identify areas where they can make simple modifications—and save.

Your Checklist

Inspect doors and windows to identify gaps, cracks, or other openings that can be weather-stripped, caulked, filled with foam insulation, or otherwise closed. This includes doors, windows, HVAC system joints, vents, and ducts. The idea is to be sure any indoor/outdoor air-exchange is not accidental, but is deliberate ventilation. Consider using a “smoke pencil” from the hardware store to detect leaks.

If new windows must be purchased, consider the incremental costs and savings of high-efficiency windows—which will cost more, yet save more.

Generally, keep doors closed to the outside and to any uncooled or unheated areas.

Consider installation of solar film, awnings, vegetation, or insulated curtains for east and west windows to block summer heat gain, and allow solar gain in the winter through south-facing windows.

Assess cleanliness of lamps/fixtures (dust, bugs, any debris) and the need to institute a regular cleaning plan for maximum light output.

Inspect attic insulation levels and identify inadequacies to address. If a major remodel opens walls, consider adding insulation.

Research strategic landscaping in your area that can help save money on water bills.

Check on the roof. Take photos and notes on any damage, cracked shingles or other surface aging. Determine if the roof is still under warranty. In the attic, looks for signs of leaks, membrane cracks or holes, and damaged insulation. Depending on street-aesthetics and other issues, white reflective paint can significantly reduce heat gain and extend the life of some roofing.

Resources: Churches can also use Energy Star’s information on residential products and savings resources for their multisite facilities, found here:

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